Boat Boarding Ramps

          STEADI-PLANK™ Mount on 44' Lagoon                             

                                            STEADI-PLANK™ Mount on 44' Lagoon

        PSE-44 8' STEADI-PLANK™ w/ 4' Handrail on 44' Lagoon                                                                                                                                                                                   

                      PSE-44 8' STEADI-PLANK™ w/ 4' Handrail on 44' Lagoon

        PS-6 8' STEADI-PLANK™ w/ Sleeve Mounts on 42C' SilvertonPS-6 0n Silverton 42C                                 

                      PS-6      6' STEADI-PLANK™ w/Sleeve Mounts on a 42C Silverton


Wheelchair accessible boat boarding ramps

Chris has a Viking 520 Open and wanted to be able to board from the dock to the helm with minimum assistance. With his input, we design and manufactured a custom 23' long wheelchair accessible boarding ramp system for him. For more information on wheelchair accessible boarding ramps, you may contact Yacht Boarding Systems from our contact page or Chris Galati at Galati Yacht Sales. 941- 778- 0755 or e-mail to .


                           PS-6 six foot STEADI-PLANK™ system                                                                                        PSE-64   10' STEADI-PLANK™ with a 6' handrail

PSE-64 ramp w/ 6' handrail



  cut-a-way of a STEADI-PLANK™ panel                  cut-a-way of a STEADI-PLANK™ panel                                            

                                                                          A 12' STEADI-PLANK™ will support over 1,000 lb




      cam mount                                     PS-4 ramp in water                     ramp extender                         sleeve mount

cam mount ramp floating  ramp extender  sleeve mount


   ht/ang adjuster /stand-off     mt ht/ang adjuster               mt ht/ang adjuster              end hight adjuster

 height/angle adptheight/angle adpt height/angle adpt base height adpt


   cam mount with sleeve mount                  handrail mount                         back of STEADI-PLANK™

  cam mount with sleeve mount                         andrail mount                          back of STEADI-PLANK™





Custom size complete PSC-X "STEADI-PLANK™" systems can be manufactured at a cost of approximately $149.90 per sq. ft. Please contact us for more information.

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